Environmental Information Management System

Planning and Operational measures for the oil and gas sector

Wildlife Habitat Area | 9-104

General Information

Region: Peace

Legal under OGAA: Yes

Legal under FRPA: Yes

Other WHA's included in summary

General Wildlife Measures

WHA Guidance

Secondary roads and limited impacts to forest cover

Management Objectives

WHA established to protect and conserve Northern Caribou in the Peace Forest District

To minimize habitat loss, alteration and fragmentation. Maintain large leave.

To limit new access through coordination, deactivation and use of existing disturbance.

To limit human and sensory disturbance to caribou.

To minimize impacts to forest canopy and maintain connected forest cover.

To limit predator mobility and attractants

To prevent impacts to terrestrial and arboreal lichen.

To retain critical habitat including:

a.         Natural meadows

b.         Wetlands

c.         Riparian management areas

d.         peatland complexes

e.         fens and black spruce bogs

f.          complex water bodies

g.         lichen bearing stands

h.         mature black spruce stands

Planning and Operational Measures

Planning Measures:

Limit new access structures to low impact secondary roads (low impact and low maintenance winter roads are preferred).

Minimize impacts to forest cover.

Use existing disturbance.

Maintain a network of connected forest. Cluster activity, prevent fragmentation and maintain large leave areas.

Linear disturbances will not cross natural meadows, wetlands or riparian management areas to extent practicable.

Avoid and buffer (250m) meadows, wetlands, RMA, black spruce bogs, bog-fen complexes or lake clusters, lichen bearing stands and mature black spruce stands.  

Minimize impacts to lichen:

  1. avoid mature pine leading forest 

Operational Measures:

Coordinate access, road development and deactivation with other operators.  

Complete activities in the shortest timeframe practicable

Reduce sensory disturbance and displacement of caribou during stressful late winter period. Time activity for early winter (Nov1-Jan30).  

Minimize impacts to lichen:

  1. use snow cover and frozen ground to improve lichen survival and regeneration
  2. retain trees for dispersal of lichen
  3. avoid impacts to natural drainage patterns

Restoration and Mitigation:

  1. Control access to limit human/predator use
  2. Manage for line of sight (screens/doglegs)
  3. Promptly deactivate access corridors
  4. Reforest disturbed area to natural pre-development ecosystem.
  5. No seeding grasses and legumes that attract ungulates.
  6. Upon completion of activities employ reclamation techniques that limit or inhibit predator movement
  7. Reforest disturbed area to natural pre-development ecosystem

 Limit predator mobility and attractants