EIMS is an online information portal housing guidance summaries for a selection of High Priority Wildlife (HPW) species and all Wildlife Habitat Area (WHA) and Ungulate Winter Range (UWR) within northeast BC (NEBC).
The guidance provided within EIMS is a result of the the Commission’s consistent and transparent utilization of external wildlife documentation sources. These sources include subject matter expertise, available existing wildlife guidance, Accounts and Measures for Managing Identified Wildlife (species accounts), General Wildlife Measures, and the Compendium of Wildlife Guidelines for Industrial Development Projects in the North Area, British Columbia. (Refer to EPMG Section 1.6.1 Hierarchy of External Wildlife Guidance for additional information on this process).
The objectives, key habitat features (for species-specific guidance) and detailed planning and operational measures for each summary clarify the Commission’s expectations for applicants proposing oil and gas activities within areas of environmental value in NEBC. The guidance provided standardizes the expected operating procedures to support government’s Environmental Objectives under the Environmental Protection and Management Regulation (EPMR).
Ungulate Winter Range and Wildlife Habitat Areas
Where an application area overlaps an UWR or WHA within NEBC, the EIMS search tool will provide applicants with an EIMS summary for the applicable UWR or WHA TAG number. The summary for that TAG number outlines the objectives and identify the planning and operational measures for activities proposed in these areas.
The applicant must consider all of the relevant guidance summarized for that order, including any stated timing windows, as an inherent part of the planning and operations. If an applicant is unable to adhere to the stated planning and operational measures, a rationale must be submitted as part of the application process. Refer to Section 1.2 of the EPMG for additional information on POMs and rationale requirements.
Survey and setback requirements for WHFs apply. (Refer to section 1.9 of the EPMG for additional guidance on WHF’s).
Links to Ministerial Orders, for areas outside of NEBC, are available in EIMS; however, additional direction is not provided in the form of a summary. Where guidance summaries are not available for areas outside of NEBC, applicants must refer to section 1.2.2 and Appendix B of the EPMG for additional information on mitigation plan requirements.
High Priority Wildlife
Where an application area may overlap identified habitat for a selection of HPW species within NEBC, the EIMS search tool will provide applicants with the ability to search by species for a summary of key habitat features, objectives and species-specific planning and operational measures. Links to relevant documents used in guidance development are provided, as well as links to any Areas under Order (UWR’s, WHA’s) associated with that species.
The summarized HPW guidance identifies expectations for applicants proposing activities in these areas, including any stated timing windows, which must be considered as an inherent part of the planning and operations. When working within identified habitat, it is imperative that applicants, in consultation with their qualified professionals, identify key habitat features that may be impacted by the proposed activity and employ planning and operational measures to carry out the activity in a manner that is consistent with this guidance.
Survey and setback requirements for WHFs apply. (Refer to section 1.9 of the EPMG for additional guidance on WHF’s).
If an applicant is unable to adhere to the stated planning and operational measures, a rationale must be submitted as part of the application process. Refer to Section 1.2 of the EPMG for additional information on POMs and rationale requirements.
Where species-specific guidance summaries are not available for areas outside of NEBC, please refer to section 1.2.2 and Appendix B of the EPMG for additional information on mitigation plan requirements.
**Applicants proposing works within Boreal Caribou areas will continue to refer to guidance within the IOP (Interim Operating Practices for Oil and Gas Activities in Identified Boreal Caribou Habitat).
Key Habitat Features: the specific features and habitat attributes within identified habitat that are essential for the survival of a species, such as those associated with nesting, calving, winter forage, breeding, security and hibernation.
Objectives: the desired results that are planned for and achieved with the application of the POMs. (For example, key habitat features are maintained and continue to be available for use by wildlife.)
Planning Measures: are measures that the applicant incorporates in the planning phase to minimize impacts to specific environmental values; including but not limited to activity placement, layout, activity types and avoidance.
Operational Measures: are measures that are employed during the operational phases of an activity, which may be mandated via permit condition (i.e., timing and restoration requirements) to minimize impacts to specific environmental areas.
EIMS Updates
Revisions completed to the Commission’s Environmental Information Management System are posted in the first five (5) business days of the month. Please remember that the dates in the Summary of Revisions tables indicate the effective date. Changes become effective one month after posting, unless otherwise indicated.
Additionally, if the system was updated, and the updates are unrelated to its content (for example, spelling, grammatical and formatting changes), it is not included in the Summary of Revisions.
The Commission is committed to the continuous improvement of its documentation. For comments/questions on the available guidance, suggestions for improvements, and overall EIMS design and functionality please send an email to servicedesk@bcogc.ca
Various edits have been made to this document to reflect changes to the EPMG. For more detailed information regarding these changes, refer to INDB 2018-10.