Environmental Information Management System

Planning and Operational measures for the oil and gas sector

UWR | u-9-010 | BCAR-090

General Information

Region: Peace

Legal under OGAA: Yes

Legal under FRPA: Yes

Notes: Wildlife Range - Winter, Type B

Primary Species

General Wildlife Measures

UWR Guidance

No new permanent all weather high grade roads. Low grade temp winter access only.


Conditional impacts to forest cover

Key Management Objectives

UWR to protect and conserve boreal caribou habitat.

Secondary or seasonal access only on existing disturbance. Limit impact to forest cover.

Minimize disturbance to caribou in late winter *

Minimize habitat loss, alteration and degradation. Prevent fragmentation and retain large leave areas. Maintain large leave areas and continuous stands. Maintain drainage patterns.

Limit human usage and access.

Minimize impacts to terrestrial and arboreal lichen (pine leading forest on sunny aspects).

Limit predator mobility and attractants.


  • Large -treed fen-bog complexes

  • Pine leading forest

  • Black spruce bogs

  • Bog-fen & peatland complexes

  • Lake clusters

Promote natural regeneration

Key Management Responses

Planning Measures:

Applicants proposing works within Boreal Caribou areas will continue to refer to the guidance within the IOP (Interim Operating Practices for Oil and Gas Activities in Identified Boreal Caribou Habitat). 

Operational Measures:

Please refer to the IOP (Interim Operating Practices for Oil and Gas Activities in Identified Boreal Caribou Habitat) for additional information