Environmental Information Management System

Planning and Operational measures for the oil and gas sector

UWR | u-9-002 | Mountain Goat UWR u-9-002 SPC-033 Low elevation winter range

General Information

Region: Peace

Legal under OGAA: Yes

Legal under FRPA: Yes

Primary Species

General Wildlife Measures

UWR Guidance

 No forest roads or trails in this UWR

No Impact to Forest Cover

Management Objectives

Provide mountain goat with winter range for forage, escape cover and thermal cover.

No roads or impacts to forest cover.

Minimize human disturbance and noise.

Maintain forage sites within 400m of escape areas.

Minimize disturbance between Nov01-Apr30


  1. South and west facing slopes of the Peace River and its tributaries.

  2. Steep rocky bluffs and cliffs

  3. Windswept ridges & mountain peaks

  4. Undisturbed forest buffer around escape terrain and forage

  5. Forest stands for thermal cover

Planning and Operational Measures

Planning Measures: 

No roads or trails

No impact to forest cover

Prevent fragmentation 

Avoid escape terrain and forage including:

  1. Quality forage (grass/shrubs)
  2. Rocky bluffs/Escape terrain
  3. South west facing slopes
  4. Windswept Ridges
  5. Mature old forest cover
  6. Steep snow shedding slopes
  7. Mineral licks

Operational Measures:

No material adverse disturbance to mountain goats between Nov01-Apr30.

Control access and promptly deactivate access upon completion of activities.

Encourage rapid natural regeneration on seismic lines