Environmental Information Management System

Planning and Operational measures for the oil and gas sector

UWR | u-9-002 | SPC-018

General Information

Region: Peace

Legal under OGAA: Yes

Legal under FRPA: Yes

Notes: Compass- Chinook: lower elevation plateau areas between Red Creek and Belcourt Creek, and between Chinook Ridge and Compass Hill; N bdry is Wapiti R. and east bdry is Alberta border (referred to as polygon 9 in A Goddard's report, March 2005)

General Wildlife Measures

UWR Guidance

no mainline roads. Secondary roads to use existing disturbance.


Limited impacts to forest cover

Key Management Objectives

Established as low elevation winter range to maintain large unfragmented (road-less) habitat for caribou.

Limit roads (secondary/seasonal) 

Limit impacts to forest cover.

Minimize disturbance in winter period (Nov01-Apr30) critical activity to be completed early winter (Nov01-Jan30).

Maintain large road-less unfragmented forest areas associated with arboreal and terrestrial lichen.

Prevent disturbances that increase predator mobility, increase human access and attract other ungulate species.

Reduce sensory disturbances and displacement of caribou.


a.         Peatlands complexes

b.         Fens and black spruce bogs

c.         Complex water bodies

d.         Mature black spruce stands (lichen)

e.         Lichen bearing stands

Key Management Responses

Planning Measures: 

Secondary roads only

Road construction to the lowest possible standard as long as safety elements are met.

Low impact, low maintenance winter roads are considered appropriate and preferred

Use existing disturbance corridors  to minimize construction of new access

Limit impacts to forest cover.

Maintain large leave areas >600ha and forest movement trails/connectivity between leave.

Cluster activity to minimize fragmentation. 

Minimize predator mobility and attractants

  1. Avoid linear disturbance
  2. Apply a 250m buffer around natural meadows and openings
  3. Do not cross meadows, wetlands or RMA

 Minimize impacts to lichen by avoiding pine leading forest stands (>50yrs old)

Operational Measures: 

Critical activity to be completed early winter (Nov01-Jan30).

Prevent sensory disturbance and displacement of caribou 

Minimize predator mobility and attractants

  1. Provide visual screening along corridors
  2. Minimize snow ploughing
  3. No seeding grass and legumes that attract ungulates.

Minimize impacts to lichen:

  1. use snow cover and frozen ground to improve lichen survival and regeneration
  2. retain trees for dispersal of lichen

Mitigate and restore:

  1. Control access to limit human/predator use
  2. Manage for line of sight (screens/doglegs)
  3. Promptly deactivate access

Encourage natural regeneration by distributing coarse woody debris, mounding, seeding/planting (native species) and controlling