Environmental Information Management System

Planning and Operational measures for the oil and gas sector

UWR | u-7-030 | 1266

General Information

Region: Omineca

Legal under OGAA: Yes

Legal under FRPA: Yes

Notes: Mackenzie TSA Mountain Goat UWR - Core Area - Unit No: 1266

Primary Species

General Wildlife Measures

UWR Guidance

No impact to Forest Cover.

Key Management Objectives

Note: 138 of 1427 UWR UNITS fall within NEBC. 10 UWR_UNITS are for Stones Sheep as well as Mountain Goat (UWR_UNIT  1220, 111, 1225, 1323, 1204, 1326, 1313, 1316, 1311, 1324).

Mountain goat core winter range, established to meet the winter habitat requirements for mountain goat.

To protect and conserve mountain goat and mountain goat habitat.

Activity to use existing disturbance


  1. Forest openings not to exceed 1ha.
  2. Running width of new roads to 3.5m (except for safety and culvert placement)


  1. Human disturbance
  2. Load noises
  3. Helicopters


  1. Mature stands (>80yrs)
  2. Lichen bearing trees
  3. Quality forage (grass/shrubs)
  4. Rocky bluffs/Escape terrain
  5. South west facing slopes
  6. Windswept Ridges
  7. Conifer bluffs
  8. Steep snow shedding slopes
  9. Snow interception cover
  10. Mineral licks

Key Management Responses

Planning Measures:

Limit new roads and trails. Use existing clearing. New roads to limit running width to 3.5m except for the purpose of safety or culvert placement.

No impact to old forest and lichen bearing trees

Minimize the size of forest openings to 1ha.

Maintain a 200m forest buffer around: 

  1. Quality forage (grass/shrubs)
  2. Rocky bluffs/Escape terrain
  3. South west facing slopes
  4. Windswept Ridges
  5. Conifer bluffs
  6. Steep snow shedding slopes
  7. Snow interception cover
  8. Mineral licks

Operational Measures:

Helicopter activity only permitted between July 15 and Oct 31 within 2000m of UWR

Development activities must take place between July 15 and Oct 31 for occupied ranges

Control Access using signage and safe barricades or gates

Cease activity when goats are present within 500m of activity. 

Employ a QP onsite to document the winter range occupation. 

All permanent roads or access to be decommissioned upon completion of activity.