Environmental Information Management System

Planning and Operational measures for the oil and gas sector

UWR | u-7-028 | SA4

General Information

Region: Omineca

Legal under OGAA: Yes

Legal under FRPA: Yes

Notes: Mackenzie TSA Stone's Sheep UWR - Specified Area - Unit No: SA4 - 30km Buffer

Primary Species

General Wildlife Measures

UWR Guidance

Control disease and contamination risks through appropriate range management techniques

Key Management Objectives

SA1-SA4 are Stones Sheep Specified Areas and only legal under FRPA. Note Core Areas UWR_UNIT 1-11 are legal under OGAA but are located outside of NEBC, so guidance is not provided in these tables.

To maintain viable, healthy and productive populations of Stones Sheep.

Key Management Responses

Planning Measures:

Activity to use existing disturbance where practicable

New trails and roads to have a running width less than 3.5m except for safety or culvert placement.

Avoid the removal of lichen bearing trees.

Limit the size of forest openings  

Operational Measures:

Construction activities should occur between July 15 and Oct 31st.

Activity to occur outside the critical late winter and lambing period of Jan 15 – July 15.

Operators to control access in these areas through gates or equivalent access control

Helicopter operation restricted between Oct 31 – July 15th.

Roads and access structures to be decommissioned within 3 years of activity