Environmental Information Management System

Planning and Operational measures for the oil and gas sector

Species | M-GUGU - Wolverine

General Information

Name: Wolverine

Phylum: Craniata

Class: Mammalia

Order: Carnivora

Family: Mustelidae

Scientific: Gulo gulo

Key Habitat Features

  • Predominantly use mature and old forest structural stages. Females use early successional stages in high elevation habitats during the rearing season and late successional forests when not in alpine habitat.
  • Within identified habitat, important habitat features are den sites.
  • Natal and maternal dens associated with small scale forest openings at high elevations, situated in snow tunnels connected to fallen tree masses or rocky colluvium.


  • Minimize disturbance during the denning season and maintain habitat so dens continue to be readily used.
  • Maintain desired plant communities and key habitat features.

Planning and Operational Measures

Planning Measures

All Activities

  • Identify key habitat features using appropriate measures (i.e. QP direction, desktop review, field confirmation, etc) and plan activities within the operating area accordingly.
  • Time works such that they occur outside of the critical timing window.
  • Apply the appropriate survey and setback requirements for WHFs within identified habitat. (Refer to section 1.9 of the EPMG for additional guidance on WHFs).

Operational Measures

All Activities

  • Undertake construction and operation of oil and gas activities in a manner that minimizes impacts to desired plant communities and key habitat features.


Timing considerations when working within identified habitat:

  • Avoid disturbance and/or clearing activities during the critical timing window from February 1 to June 29. 


 Linear Features

  • Upon completion of the activity, undertake the following measures to encourage re-establishment of the pre-disturbance ecological trajectory:
  • deactivate unnecessary access corridors,
  • undertake measures to control access,
  • promote natural or assisted regeneration.