Environmental Information Management System

Planning and Operational measures for the oil and gas sector

Species | B-SWHA - Swainson's Hawk

General Information

Name: Swainson's Hawk

Phylum: Craniata

Class: Aves

Order: Accipitriformes

Family: Accipitridae

Scientific: Buteo swainsoni

Key Habitat Features

  • Cultivated fields, open woodlands, shrublands, grasslands, riparian areas.
  • Nests in solitary tree, shrub or small grove in a landscape of sparsely distributed trees.


  • Minimize disturbance during the breeding season.
  • Maintain nesting habitat throughout all seasons.
  • Maintain desired plant communities and key habitat features.

Planning and Operational Measures

Planning Measures

All Activities

  • Identify key habitat features using appropriate measures (i.e. QP direction, desktop review, field confirmation, etc) and plan activities within the operating area accordingly.
  • Time works such that they occur outside of the critical timing window.
  • Apply the appropriate survey and setback requirements for WHFs within identified habitat. (Refer to section 1.9 of the EPMG for additional guidance on WHFs).

Operational Measures

All Activities

  • Undertake construction and operation of oil and gas activities in a manner that minimizes impacts to desired plant communities and key habitat features.
  • Do not destroy occupied or previously occupied large stick nests, or cause them to be destroyed, by removing surrounding shrubs or trees that may be providing protection from wind, etc.


Timing considerations when working within identified habitat: 

  • Avoid disturbance and/or clearing activities during the critical timing window from April 1 to August 15.