Species | B-BTNW - Black-throated Green Warbler
General Information
Name: Black-throated Green Warbler
Phylum: Craniata
Class: Aves
Order: Passeriformes
Family: Parulidae
Scientific: Setophaga virens
Key Habitat Features
- Mature and old growth mixed wood forest (aspen and deciduous with some conifer component (white spruce/spruce) and good canopy closure) with lush herbaceous layer, free mid canopy space and dense low shrubby understory; key forb/herb species (baneberry, rose, highbush, cranberry, fireweed, mosses, kinnikinnick, peavine and bunchberry).
- Mature mixed wood forested adjacent to riparian reserves.
- Mature and old deciduous-leading forest patch sizes >2 ha.
- Minimize disturbance during the breeding season.
- Maintain nesting habitat throughout all seasons.
- Maintain desired plant communities and key habitat features.
Planning and Operational Measures
Planning Measures
All Activities
- Identify key habitat features using appropriate measures (i.e. QP direction, desktop review, field confirmation, etc) and plan activities within the operating area accordingly.
- Retain unfragmented mature forest patches >2 ha, within identified Black-throated Green Warbler habitat.
- Within identified habitat, avoid activity within riparian areas consisting of mature coniferous or mixed wood forest.
- Avoid sensitive areas such as nest sites and foraging habitat.
- Time works such that they occur outside of the critical timing window.
Operational Measures
All Activities
- Undertake construction and operation of oil and gas activities in a manner that minimizes impacts to desired plant communities and key habitat features.
Timing considerations when working within identified habitat:
- Avoid disturbance and/or clearing activities during the critical timing window from June 1 to July 31.
- Where an application area is within a NEBC WHA for Black-throated Green Warbler, please refer to the EIMS summary for that Order. Proponents are required to adhere to the guidance provided in that summary, including any relevant timing considerations.